Тема недели
19 марта в рамках блока деловой программы MITT Digital, посвященного цифровым технологиям, состоятся конференции «Цифровой туризм» и «Цифровой отель».
Corinthia Hotels International sales team gears up for future challenges

Made very welcome at this year’s event were the new sales representatives from Austria, India, Sweden and the USA, firmly considered as prospective major future source markets for Corinthia hotels.
The sales meeting was preceded by a two-day workshop dedicated solely to the development of skills and tactics required in the meetings, incentives, conference and events (MICE) market. This
sector features prominently in CHI’s marketing mix, especially in view of its dedicated MICE programme events@corinthia, which guarantees “Success Full” and “Stress Free” conferences and events based on a set of service promises.
CHI’s group director of sales and marketing Geoff Andrew led proceedings at the sales conference.
Apart from the operational teams, the event was also attended by other senior officials from CHI head office, including chairman Karmenu Vella and chief officers David Woodward and Paul Bugeja.
In his introductory remarks, Mr Vella stressed the importance of consolidating the present success of the 20 hotels as a catalyst to the addition of further hotels to the CHI worldwide portfolio.
As part of its marketing strategy, CHI is continuously expanding its worldwide network of regional sales offices that already covers Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, India, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
Опубликовано: 28 сентября 2005
Просмотров: 5441
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